My Life on a Plate
Customized artwork by Penny Sasso
My Life on a Plate
Customized artwork by Penny Sasso
Annata Restaurant - 69 Willoughby Road, Crows Nest
Inspired by my clients in my Interior Design business, along with my true love of colours, textures and mediums, it motivated me to expand my knowledge into exploring and learning many different art forms. These include - resin art, impasto painting, cold wax & oil, encaustic (bees wax), mosaic art, glass art, ceramic painting and polymer clay.
In over 20+ years of developing my craft I have had many of my clients commission me to create a "special" piece of art to display in the entry, or similar, of their new homes.
I find that by dealing directly with a client, I am able to seek out their inner personality and meld it into an art piece that truly expresses who they are.
Alternatively, I have a selection of pieces ready to hang or place in your home.
Art, in all its shapes and forms, reflects the true individuality of its owner and this is what I try to emulate.